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The role of RECOM Consultants for creators
and project holders.


As part of our services, we cover the following points:


- Analysis of the situation and needs analysis.

- Counsels concerning the marketing and the commercial sides.

- Recommendation for the optimization of the structure at legal and fiscal level.

- Counsel concerning the different legal forms of the creation.

- The highlighting of the legal, fiscal and social choices of the entrepreneur.


In accordance with the progress of your project, we can also, if you want it, assemble a full presentation dossier of your project (business plan and estimated financial simulations).


RECOM Consultants accompanies the creators and the project holders to take a global view, while optimizing their project. With a large number of project holders individually followed, our consultants experts will know how answer to your questions, minimizing your risk to start your activity.   


Creating a company is always perilous, seeing as the inherent risks of the creation, those of the personality of the creator, the market and the economic conditions have to be added too.


Thus far, it exists few studies concerning the causes of failure in this kind of project. We only know that about 1 in every 2 projects (or 3) fails within 5 years. (Source: INSEE).


Experience shows that the sources of failures are always the same and are intimately related to 3 main factors:


- The creator himself and his limits: they vary according to his culture, his experience, his analytical capacity, his motivation and his ability to assume a certain level of isolation.

- The incompatibility of the couple product market and service marketplace, especially in the beginning, but also in a build-up phase. The markets evolve more and more quickly, which requires a real responsiveness, plus a permanent job of “monitoring” concerning the future developments.

- The deficiency and the quality of all available means, whether it be capital stock, loans or human resources (partner, spouse, multifunctional staff).


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